Genre Posters

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Last year, my library was in DESPERATE need of a makeover, so I decided to make genre posters to spruce things up.  

After spending HOURS making these posters (actually days, lol) I had them ready for the school year.  I hung them above the library so that students could easily access the definition of each genre as well as have a visual reference of different examples from that genre.  I felt like students had a greater awareness of the various genres and were more likely to read a variety of books. Here are some examples...

 I also decided to hang the following genre log so that students could quickly identify genres for choosing books or for labeling their classroom reading log. 
This is also included in the download above. Enjoy!!!!!


  1. I absolutely love your genre posters. They are perfect! I tried to click on them, but it said you had to share them.
    Love your blog design too.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Thanks Alison! Sorry about that, I just fixed that HOPEFULLY! Please let me know if you still can't print them out.... :)

    1. It worked! Thank you so much! I've got them saved! My kids are going to love these!

  3. Wow what an awesome freebie...I already have genre set but this is perfect for my fourth graders they will definitely recognize many of the books...printing & laminating will be happening in a few minutes...Thanks!!!

  4. Thank you soooooo much!!! I was looking everywhere for cool, accessible genre posters for my 5th graders!

  5. I just came across these posters after searching through hundreds on TPT- these are FABULOUS! Thanks for sharing!

  6. thank you so much for the genre posters! These are amazing and better than what I was even looking for! You saved my life! haha


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